We sure do—straight from other MakeupAlley members! These and are meant to be helpful guidelines, not rules to review by because the uniqueness of every members’ reviews is what makes MakeupAlley great!
Writing Helpful Reviews
Be Yourself - Give us the real skinny and be yourself! Put the ‘you’ in your review — this is what makes MakeupAlley so special!
Be Specific - Offer details to help other members understand exactly why you loved or disliked the product.
Stay Focused - Focus your review on the specific product you are reviewing (rather than the Brand itself or other products manufactured by the same Brand).
Tell A Story - Walk us through your experience with the product…did it last all day? How did your skin react to it? Did you receive compliments? Did anything funny or alarming occur during application or use?
Use Your Senses - Tell us about how the product felt, smelled, and tasted (lipstick, anyone?). Describe the texture, pigmentation, appearance on the skin, staying power, etc.
Make Comparisons - If you have used similar products, feel free to compare/contrast them to the product you are reviewing if you feel it is relevant and adds value.
Put It Into Context - Tell us about the product you’re reviewing relative to other products in your routine (e.g. "I applied this product after I applied my foundation but before my loose powder.”). Tell us about other products you used with the product you're reviewing if applicable (e.g., “I used this foundation with XYZ primer and it was horrible, but when I put it over ABC primer, it went on like butter, so YMMV.”)
Make It Fun - If something funny happened with the product, tell us about it!
Give It Some Time - It can quite a few tries to determine whether or not a product works for you. Take your time to get to know the product so you can offer the most helpful advice.
Insert A YouTube Video - MakeupAlley allows members to insert YouTube reviews within their Product Reviews on makeupalley.com. [Related article: How do I embed a YouTube video in my review?]
Reviews Are Living Things - Don’t forget that if you change your mind about a product, you can always edit your Review! Did the manufacturer change the formula so that your former 5-Lippie HG now belongs on the ash heap of history? Update your review to reflect this.
Play By The Rules
Be Honest - Only post reviews of products you have personally purchased and tested (don’t write reviews based upon someone else’s experience with the product).
Be Respectful - Use common sense and good taste when writing Reviews; MakeupAlley is a site for users 13+, so avoid profanity, and any written content and/or images that violate our TOS.
Stay On Task - Please steer clear of any advertising or promoting on behalf of a brand or an affiliated company. Impartial reviews are what sets MakeupAlley apart!
Speak Your Mind - We do not accept reviews initiated by BzzAgent, Influenster, or any other company that offers consumers free products in exchange for (or with the expectation of) a review.
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